Ignition Interlock Devices
We appreciate you choosing Jo-Di's for your Ignition Interlock Device. We've come up with some helpful hints and rules to help us get through this together with ease.
We recommend not using any Gum, Breath Mints, Mouthwash or anything similar.
Stay away from spraying any Perfumes, Colognes, or other sprays.
Keeping a bottle of water in your car to be able to rinse your mouth out is a good practice to help avoid any false readings that could accord while performing a blow test sample.
These systems we are installing and servicing in your vehicle are monitored and controlled by the Provider you have chosen and are tied in with the State of CT, Dept. of Motor Vehicles.
We don't have ANY access to change Data, Information, any test results or payment information. The Provider has installed their own computer system here at our store, that ONLY allows us to do what they want us to.
Here are the contact phone numbers for the companies we work with:
Simple Interlock - 866-698-7113 www.simpleiid.com
Smart Start - 800-831-3299 www.smartstartinc.com
Intoxalock - 844-837-0676 www.intoxalock.com/connecticut
Interlock Of CT - 203-489-0125 www.IIDCT.com
CT DMV - 800-842-8222 portal.ct.gov/dmv
We are available for CALIBRATIONS & VIOLATION REMOVALS without appointments. Just stop by.
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 3:00
Saturday 9:00 - 1:00
We look forward to making this easy and over with before you know it!
Thank you for choosing Jo-Di's Sound Center.